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[Article]   [Prof. Ho Seok Park] Winning Leader Research Project funded by Ministry of Science & ICT
Date 15 Jul 2020
View 463

Professor Ho Seok Park, Winning Leader Research Project funded by Ministry of Science & ICT


Original news: https://www.yna.co.kr/view/AKR20200701029300017?input=1195m



Ministry of Science & ICT nominated 17 nation’s top researchers in basic research and 18 research centers that support the research groups.


Nominees for an individual research project in Leader research are as follows.

- Three researchers for Engineering including Prof. Ho Seok Park(Sungkyunkwan University)

- Five researchers for Natural Science including Prof. Jung Keun Ahn (Korea University)

- Four researchers for Life Science including Prof. Dae-Sik Lim (KAIST)

- Two researchers for Basic Medical Science including Prof. Yeon Seok Chung (Seoul National University)


For ‘Leader Research’ funding, each researcher will be provided with 800 million a year (7 billion for nine years).


This year 103 applicants have gone through the thorough selection process, including preliminary and oversea evaluation, presentation, and debate. As a result, 17 researchers were chosen, and 7 of them were the forties or under forties. 





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