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[News]   [Seung-Woo Choi] Winning 2020 research funding from Yuhan Foundation
Date 07 Jul 2020
View 465


Mr. Seung-Woo Choi, Ph.D. Candidate in Health Sciences & Technology at SAIHST, won a research grant from the Healthcare Scholarship Committee of Yuhan Foundation. They announced him as the grantee on 30 June 2020.

The Yuhan Foundation selects grantees for scholarships every year. The foundation provides funding for research in Medicine, Pharmacy, and Healthcare. Mr. Choi will receive KRW 10 million for his research project: 'Using Ceria Nanoparticle to develop a new treatment for age-related macular degeneration.'

The Healthcare Scholarship Committee was established by Dr. Ilhan New, the founder of Yuhan Company. Dr. New donated his stock of the company, and the pioneers in the Korean pharmaceutical industry also contributed to the foundation. Dr. New's founding creed, 'Giving corporate's profits back to society,' is the committee's core value. They have contributed to education and scholarship programs. They have continuously supported many outstanding students, including international students in Korea. Up until recently, the foundation has supported over 800 hundred students, with more than 2 billion won to contribute to the research in the healthcare area.


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