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[News]   55th Digital Healthcare Forum
Date 28 Aug 2019
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55th Digital Healthcare Forum


The 55th Digital Healthcare Forum was held on August 13, Tuesday.

On this day, Ms. Hyejin Kim, CEO of Evidnet, talked about "Healthcare R&D with CDM : a New Approach toward Real World Evidence”.
She shared her thoughts on the need for CDM, the present, and future trends.

As RWD(Real world Date) is rapidly increasing, the use of RWE (Real world Evidence) increase simultaneously such as in the field of research subject recruitment, Synthetic arm (shortens research period and the cost ) AETION (drug repositioning), TwoxAR (investigate new drug candidates) and market access.

In current global trends, the evidence of positive clinical outcomes of the investigational drug is increasing, while the US FDA uses RWE when making regulatory decisions, and these all imply the importance of RWE and RWD.

However, RWD has few hurdles to solve; the issue of combining data source in various forms, the collaboration between different stakeholders, control of many co-founders, and privacy issues.
In Korea, we are currently having difficulties in combining the data for many companies developing the EMR (Electronic Medical Record) or HIS (Health Information System) has different and various system architecture.

In order to solve such problems, the speaker talked about the CDM(Common data Model).

For CDM, the integration of the two tasks is vital.  The first task is to standardize the different data structure, and the second task will be the standardize the meaning.
Among many CDMs, OMOP(Observational Medical Outcome Partnership) CDM is the internationally used standards which are usefully designed to compare drug efficacy.



The advantage of CDM are ;
firstly, it is free from the privacy issues for it only send out summarized information of analyzed code.
Secondly, based on the openness of the data, it enables us to have communications between users freely.
Due to such merits, many research used CDM currently.

Based on the multicenter patient analysis, CDM contributes medical advancement with highly qualified evidence.
With many questions during the Q&A session, the lecture was very informative.




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