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[News]   [Sumi Ki, Jihyun Kim] Winning 2020 NRF Academic Research Grant for Engineering and Science
Date 16 Jun 2020
View 416




Sumi Ki and Jihyun Kim, Ph.D. Candidates in Health Science and Technology at SAIHST, won the 2020 NRF Academic Research Grant in Engineering and Science.



Selected research projects are as below.

  △ Role of the DGAT2-mediated primary cilia in metabolic disorders(Sumi Ki)

  △ Study of anti-inflammatory control mechanism by identifying role of primary cilia in immune signaling pathways(Jihyun Kim)

NRF Research Subsidies for Ph.D. Candidates aim to provide supports for creative and challenging ideas related to doctoral dissertation research by Ph.D. candidates.

Eligibilities for the program are students in doctoral programs (including integrated master-doctoral programs) and students who have completed a doctoral program. Also, the funding offers KRW 20 million for two years (1+1).


2020 박사과정생연구장려금지원사업선정(영문)2.jpg

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