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[Awards]   [2020 SAIHST ARROW AWARD] Interview with Winners
Date 10 Mar 2020
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[2020 SAIHST ARROW AWARD] Interview with Winners




List of Awardees for

- Research: Prof. Jeong Won Lee (Dept. of Health Sciences & Technology, School of Medicine)

- Teaching: Prof. Seungho Ryu (Dept. of Clinical Research Design & Evaluation, School of Medicine)

- Young Investigator: Seung Woo Choi (Ph.D. Candidate in Health Sciences & Technology)




Awardee for Research: Prof. Jeong Won Lee (Dept. of Health Sciences & Technology, School of Medicine)   



Q: Please tell us how you feel about winning the 2020 SAIHST ARROW AWARD.

A: It’s been twenty years since I started translational research on gynecologic cancer. In the beginning, my lab had published fragmentary results through a simple immunohistochemical staining method. From 2007 to 2008, I was invited to the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center (MADCC) as a visiting professor and had precious opportunities to conduct animal experiments. After returning to Korea, I established the ovarian cancer PDX (Patientderived xenograft). As a part of the Intractable Cancer project at Samsung Medical Center (SMC), we built a library for the ovarian cancer PDX model and utilized them for the final validation phase. With help from the Intractable Cancer project, we were able to conduct HTS (high-throughput screening) or NGS through PDC or PDX. Also, with tireless dedication from co-researchers and other researchers from SMC, we published the article. To analyze mass data and produce the best research results, co-researchers need to work together and continue to proceed with new projects through consultation and cooperation with other researchers. It may take some time to apply a drug HTS on a clinical trial using PDC. Regarding gynecologic cancer such as ovarian cancer, I believe that drug HTS can be a useful technology to distinguish a group of drug resistance. We will continue to conduct the study and hopefully proceed with the clinical trial in an upcoming future. Overall, I would like to express my gratitude to all researchers who contributed to this research.



Q: Please tell us about your research/teaching/study plans for the future. 


A: As a clinical doctor, I spend most of the time treating patients and performing surgery. So it would be a significant obstacle that I cannot devote much time to translational research. However, I will continue to treat patients and conduct research simultaneously, especially prioritizing cancer organoid and drug screening. I haven’t been able to put more effort into teaching students until now. If time allows, I would like to teach graduate students and clinical fellows who are interested in translational research for gynecologic cancer. 



Q: What are the ways that you think SAIHST could become one of the world-leading research/educational institutes for convergence of health sciences and technology? 

A: As discussed with Director Lim, I think SAIHST should invite more talented Ph.D. researchers to perform their ability with full capacity. It is vital to provide them with funding and opportunities to go abroad for their research. It seems that funding opportunities from SMC have recently decreased. Therefore, SAIHST needs to support its members to achieve government-funding projects actively.


Awardee for Teaching: Prof. Seungho Ryu (Dept. of Clinical Research Design & Evaluation, School of Medicine)


△ (Left) Director Hyo Keun Lim/ (Right) Prof. Seungho Ryu

Q: Please tell us how you feel about winning the 2020 SAIHST ARROW AWARD.


A: People say, “Giving makes us far happier than receiving.” It is for me that teaching brings me more joy than learning does. I am just happy with opportunities to educate young minds and honored to receive this great award. I want to express my gratitude to Director Lim and fellow professors. I will continuously devote myself to teaching students to the best of my ability.
Q: Please tell us about your research/teaching/study plans for the future.


A: I’ve been conducting a cohort study at Kangbuk Samsung Hospital. ‘Kangbuk Samsung Cohort Study (KSCS)’ is based on qualified data from the healthcare center. KGSC has been studying pathogenesis and the causes of common diseases for Korean through long-term observation. In that way, it also aims to suggest methods for the prevention and management of diseases. The number of participants for this prospective cohort study was almost 300,000 in 2018. Collecting data on the gene, images, biosignals, etc…, we are going to build a big data for precision medicine.    




△ Researchers from Kangbuk Samsung Cohort Study (KSCS)


Q: What are the ways that you think SAIHST could become one of the world-leading research/educational institutes for convergence of health sciences and technology?


A: ‘2019 Biomedical Global Leadership Training Project’ funded by the Ministry of Health and Welfare is a big step for SAIHST. Graduate students and Post-doctoral researchers can have opportunities to conduct their research and learn state-of-the-art technology in distinguished institutes abroad. It requires continuous investment and support for the project.

∎ Awardee for Young Investigator: Seung Woo Choi (Ph.D. Candidate in Health Sciences & Technology)   


△ (Left) Director Hyo Keun Lim/ (Right) Mr. Seung Woo Choi 


Q: Please tell us how you feel about winning the 2020 SAIHST ARROW AWARD.

A: When I admitted to SAIHST, the SAIHST ARROW AWARD ceremony was held with my Entrance ceremony. From that day, I have ambitiously set my eyes on this award in my future. Even though I still have a lot to learn more, I am honored to receive this prominent award. First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to SAIHST, professors, and the selection committee. Also, I am sincerely grateful for my mentor, Prof. Jae Yoon Kim, who teaches and supports me. Furthermore, I want to share this honor with my lab members who have always been enthusiastic about discussion and brainstorming ideas together.


 △ The research team of Nanobiomaterials


Q: Please tell us about your research/teaching/study plans for the future.

A: I have put my effort into researching applying nanoparticles and increasing treatment efficiency from various diseases, as a part of a big issue, the use of nanoparticles in the human body. I still have a lot to learn and continuously study through experimental observation for the research topic above. Also, I continue to improve myself to be a better medical scientist. 

Q: What are the ways that you think SAIHST could become one of the world-leading research/educational institutes for convergence of health sciences and technology?

A: By understanding the word ‘convergence of Health Sciences and Technology,’ convergence of multidisciplinary knowledge has significance in developing health science. Bringing more talented researchers with various experience and expertise to SAIHST would be an open door for convergence of knowledge. Moreover, involving clinical doctors and collaboration with world-renowned educational and research institutions will lead us closer to the convergence of knowledge. Also, SAIHST needs to create a successful and supportive research environment where researchers can discuss and brainstorm new ideas freely, as well as can focus more on their studies.   



SAIHST ARROW AWARD 수상자 인터뷰(영문).jpg

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