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[Awards]   The 2nd Annual SAIHST Symposium
Date 10 Dec 2018
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The 2nd SAIHST Symposium


The 2nd SAIHST Symposium was held on Dec. 6 Thursday 2019 at Hippocrates Hall 9F Irwon Station Building. 

This annual symposium is to motivate SAIHST students in conducting convergence research activities and to have a pride as a SAIHST student.  




On this day, over one hundred SAIHST students and most of SAIHST faculty members participated this symposium.

During opening comments from Director Lim, he addressed that this symposium to be the chance to learn and share creative ideas and various information for every participants,  

especially he hoped that this event would help SAIHST students to be creative convergent professionals with critical thinking.  




For oral presentation session, 8 students were awarded for their outstanding presentation.

Awardees are :     

   * SAIHSTer Green: Hwajin Kim   

  * SAIHSTer Blue: Hyunjoo Park, Seungwoo Choi   

  * SAIHSTer Aqua: Minsun Park, Chongho Park , Seungho Shin, Jaeyoong Yoo , Youngchan Lee

For poster presentation session, total of 33 presenters posted their research activities and five posters were awarded for their outstanding work.

  * SAIHSTer Poster Awardees : Sooyeon Kim, Hyuntae Shin, Ayoung Woo, Jaewoong Lee, Kyunghee Choi.  






 After all presentations sessions, Director Lim addressed to all participants to have more curiosity to different areas of research for such interest is the start of convergence research ideas.   

Congratulations to all awardees!  



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