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[Article]   Director of SAIHST, Hyo Keun LIM appointed as CEO of Smart Health Standard Forum
Date 28 Jun 2017
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Hyo Keun LIM, MD PhD

Director of SAIHST

The University of SungKyunKwan University announced on June 27, 2017 that the Director of SAIHST, Professor Hyo Keun Lim has been appointed

as the first CEO of "Smart Health Standard Forum" which was built to establish the standard technologies in smart Healthcare industry.
The term is for two years and he is currently the professor of Radiology in Samsung Medical Center.


As healthcare technologies are in rapid convergence with information and communication technologies, platform is established for inter-hospital medical record exchange,

precision medicine through big data analysis and clinical practice support system by artificial intelligence. 

Thus, the global community now experiencing the smart healthcare era which enables personalized treatment as well as preventing, treating and aftercare of diseases.

To have realization of smart healthcare, it is necessary to standardize data exchange model with healthdata and registration and storage system.

And at the same time, assessment system to evaluate how such standards are rightly applied must be accompanied.


To support such, 'Smart Health Standard Forum' was established after long period of preparation by experts and leaders

from industry-academia-research-government of Korea smart health standard sector. 

This forum have completed the registration of KATS(Korean Agency for Technology and Standards) of Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE)

on April 2017 and  is on the process of preparing for various activities.
The founding member of this forum are ; CEO of Healthconnect,Ryoung Min Baek , Professor Soo-Yong Sin of Kyung Hee University,

Dr. Jae-Sung Kim of KISA(Korea Internet & Security Agency) and Mr. Sung-Hyun Lee from Flyingmountain.


Prof.Lim emphasized that ; ' the private certification agency such as UL at US and TUV-SUD at EU, they already has global certification criteria and accountability assessment system.

And companies certified by these certification agencies, has achieved the technology competitiveness which directly linked to the expansion of market share and high sales revenue.

Our 'Smart Health Standard Forum' plans to establish the standard accountability assessment system including global level smart health standard testing and certification

in order to contribute new level of growth engine of Korea in the 4th industrial evolution era.


임효근 원장님 초대회장 선출(영문).jpg

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