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[COVID-19] SKKU Campus Guidelines
Date 2021/10/14
Hit 533

[COVID-19] SKKU Campus Guidelines

‘Not allowed to come to campus’ means to not only stop entering the campus, but also to stop meeting other members (including outside the campus.

Regardless of whether or not you have been vaccinated, if you are subject to the guidelines, please follow them.

(Only those who have completed vaccination(14 days after the second vaccination) are advised to not to come campus for 1 week if they fall under the following cases when not allowed to come to campus. (Overseas entry, Close contact with confirmed case). If you wanto to enter campus, you should get a negative result of the COVID-19. 

 If you are a faculty or staff member, apply the above guidelines, but in the event of any unusual occurrence, please notify the campus emergency committee through the university administration office. If you are a student, be sure to notify the health center or the department you belong to.

Cases when not allowed to come to campus

Guidelines (How to behave)



case of


Check into COVID-19 treatment center and

receiving treatment

Asymptomatic + negative result for covid test

when checking out Allowed to come to campus

(Get a consultation with SKKU Health Center)

When checking out, if you don’t get the covid

test or have positive result

Asymptomatic + Isolation release confirmation

(‘격리해제확인서’) Allowed to come to campus

(It is recommended to refrain from visiting multi-use

facilities or taking off masks in campus for 2 weeks.)

When someone with a confirmed case enters the

dormitory after treatment:

- Refrain from entering the dormitory for 2 weeks after checking out from the COVID-19 treatment center

- Unavoidable cases enter the dormitory and conduct

self-quarantine under dormitory guidelines.


traveled overseas


the last 14 days

Do not come to campus and conduct


(Recommends not coming to campus for 1 week

even for those subject to quarantine exemption)

Get the COVID-19 isolation release test

Tested Negative Allowed to come to campus

Not get tested Get tested at the COVID-19

Testing Center Allow to come to campus after

obtaining negative result

When visiting places or facilities where mass infections occurred within the last 14 days

Stop coming to campus immediately when you

get guideline messages from quarantine authorities

(Recommends not coming to campus for 1 week

even for those subject to quarantine exemption)

Contact local healthcare centers and follow the

guidelines (self-quarantine, COVID-19 test)

No suggested actions or tested negative

Allowed to come to campus

When experiencing COVID-19


Stop coming to campus immediately and

contacting local healthcare centers

Follow the guidelines (self-quarantine, COVID-19 test)

Negative result in COVID-19 test

Allowed to come to campus (when asymptomatic)

When required to self-quarantine/Being actively monitored

Self-quarantine should stop coming to campus during quarantine / Active monitoring recommends not coming to campus

(Recommends not coming to campus for 1 week

even for those subject to quarantine exemption)

Submit application for recognition of attendance (proof materials (diagnosis, etc.) & Register in

online attendance system by attaching proofs or send it via e-mail to faculty and notify the department

Negative result in COVID-19 test

Allowed to come to campus

(If you need to go to campus, you should get

a negative result of the COVID-19 test during

the quarantine period due to the designation of

self-quarantine/active monitoring.)

Not get isolation release test Get tested at

the COVID-19 testing center Allowed to come

to campus after tested negative

When waiting for the result of a COVID-19 test




When required to self-quarantine

Self-quarantine should stop coming to campus during quarantine / Active monitoring recommends not coming to campus

(Recommends not coming to campus for 1 week even for those subject to quarantine exemption)

Submit application for recognition of attendance (proof materials (diagnosis, etc.) & Register in

online attendance system by attaching proofs or

send it via e-mail to faculty and notify the department

(If you need to go to campus, you should get a

negative result of the COVID-19 test during the

quarantine period due to the designation of

self-quarantine/active monitoring.)

Allowed to come to campus after your housemate or

family member are released from self-quarantine or test negative in COVID-19 test) (It is recommended that you take a COVID-19 test when needed.)

When required to self-quarantine/Being actively monitored

When waiting for Covid-19 test result