1. Kor /
  2. Eng

  1. Kor /
  2. Eng


Spring 2018 Class Cancellations Announcement
Date 2018/03/12
Hit 748


Class Cancellations Announcement


Due to low enrollment, followings are cancelled classes for Spring 2018. 
Please find attached file for details.


For those students registered for those cancelled classes, can register for other classes during following period.
* March 12 (Mon) 10:00 ~ 23:00  to Mar 13 (Tues) 10:00 ~ 23:00


For further questions, please don't hesitate to call admin office. (02-2148-7797~7799)
Thank you.








2018학년도 1학기 폐반강좌 안내.xlsx

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