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Spring 2018 Application Guidance Seminar of the Graduate School of SungKyunKwan University
Date 2018/03/08
Hit 843

Spring 2018 Application Guidance Seminar of 

the Graduate School of SungKyunKwan University 



For those interested to apply the graduate School of SungKyunKwan University, we are holding the Spring 2018 Application Guidance Seminar of SKKU. 



1. Date & Venue 

 - Date : March 23, 2018 3:00 pm, Korea Railway Service Building 3F main conf. room (nearby KTX Dajeon Station) 

 - Date : March 30, 2018 3:00pm, KTX Dongdagu Station 3F 102 Seminar room 


2. Contents 

 - Introduction of the Graduate School of SungKyunKwan University

 - Graduate School Application Guideline and Scholarship

 - How to apply SKKU and living case story of current students  


3. To attend the meeting 

  - apply online until March 16 2018 5:00pm   (http://graduateschool.skku.edu/regional)



 For further inquiries, please contact Graduate University Office 02)740-1723~4, gradschool@skku.edu






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