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[기타]   [김연희 교수] New Tool May Help Predict Patients’ Motor Function Recovery After Stroke [IOS News] 2016-0
등록일 2016/01/29
조회수 3,448





    김연희 교수

(의과대학 재활의학, SAIHST겸직)




New Tool May Help Predict Patients’ Motor Function Recovery After Stroke  [IOS News] 2016-01-14


Graph theoretical analysis is proving to be helpful in understanding complex networks in the brain. Investigators in the Republic of Korea used a graph theoretical approach in examining the changes in the configuration of the two hemispheres of the brain in 12 patients after stroke. They found it helped understand the dynamic reorganization of both hemispheric networks in the brain and to predict recovery of motor function. Their findings are published in Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience.


[출처_IOS News 본문 발췌]




 김연희 교수 연구소개     [프로필 보기]  

뇌졸중, 뇌손상, 퇴행성뇌질환 등으로 인한 운동, 언어, 인지기능 장애의 회복을 촉진하는 기법을 개발함을 목적으로 인체의 뇌가소성의 원리를 이해하고 뇌가소성 증진을 위한 각종 방법을 연구한다. 다양한 뇌기능 영상 기법을 사용하며, 뇌의 특정한 부위에 비침습적으로 전기 또는 자기 자극을 가하여 뇌신경의 활성을 조절하는 뇌자극 기법의 개발 및 작용 기전을 연구한다. 또한 뇌졸중환자들의 장기적 기능 회복과, 로봇을 이용한 운동 재활, 컴퓨터 활용 인지재활 치료 기법 개발도 시행 중이다.  








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