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글로벌 바이오헬스 혁신 아이디어 공모전 안내
구분 일반
등록일 2016/07/15
조회수 4,239



바이오헬스 글로벌 아이디어 공모전을 안내해 드립니다.

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Johnson & Johnson Innovation | JLABS   


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World Without Disease QuickFire Challenge

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Press Release


We're Looking for the Best Idea, Technology or Solution to Award $500,000  

At Johnson & Johnson Innovation and Janssen Research & Development, our goal is to improve the health and wellness of people around the world. To that end, we have a passionate and engaged workforce across our consumer, medical device and pharmaceutical units who are interested in finding and deploying comprehensive, end to end, integrated solutions which take into account the world in which we live today. Johnson & Johnson Innovation and Janssen Research & Development are bringing together the consumer, medical device and pharmaceutical sectors to award a prize or a series of prizes to the person or team(s) who submits the best idea, technology, or solution that will address a critical health need for the world's population. Please check out our areas of interest, with an emphasis on lung cancer and metabolism.

Solutions will be evaluated based on their ability to meet the following criteria:  

Introducing World Without Disease QuickFire Challenge   






Address a particular cohort with a critical unmet medical need in Johnson & Johnson’s strategic areas of interest, such as lung cancer and metabolic diseases.  






Integrate a novel approach that combines pharmaceutical, devices and/or consumer health solutions.  






Address part or all of the spectrum of prevention, interception and cure.  






Outline how the award would help them reach a critical milestone within the timeframe of a single year and provide a full “time-to-market” plan for their solution.  

Deadline to apply is Aug 31, 2016
Winners will be announced by end of 2016  



apply here




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