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Faculty ListAt SAIHST, we have faculties from various backgrounds such as ; basic science, clinical medicine, pharmacology, engineering, business etc. SAIHST is always open for future competent faculties to lead biomedical science.

Total : 14
Name / Department / Title Lab Title Research Interests Related Department
Kim HanNa    Ph.D.
SAIHST Assistant professor
Genome & Meta Lab Genetic Epidemiology, Complex trait, Genomics, Genetics, Behavioral Genomics, , Cohort Study, Mic... Department of Health Sciences and Technology
Department of Clinical Research Design and Evaluation
Department of Digital health
Yoon Yeup    Ph.D.
삼성융합의과학원 Professor
Molecular Oncology Lab. Companion diagnosis, personalized therapy, antibody discovery & development Department of Health Sciences and Technology
Department of Medical Device Management and Research
Juhee Cho    Ph.D.
SAIHST Professor
임상역학연구센터, 환자중심삶의질연구소 Clinical research design, cohort studies, altered appearance of cancer patients, quality of life,... Department of Health Sciences and Technology
Department of Medical Device Management and Research
Department of Clinical Research Design and Evaluation
Department of Digital health
Danbee Kang    Ph.D.
SAIHST Associate professor
임상역학연구센터, 환자중심 근거창출 연구실 Clinical epidemiology, psycho-oncology, patient reported outcome Department of Health Sciences and Technology
Department of Clinical Research Design and Evaluation
SAIHST Associate Professor
Laboratory of Epigenetic Transcriptional Regulation Nuclear receptor, Coactivator, Transcriptional regulation, Gene regulation, Estrogen receptor, Br... Department of Health Sciences and Technology
SAIHST Associate Professor
Laboratory of Posttranscriptional Gene Regulation Posttranscriptional gene regulation, Cancer development, Metastasis, RNA-binding proteins, miRNAs Department of Health Sciences and Technology
Yoo Haeyong    Ph.D.
SAIHST Associate Professor
종양생화학 연구실 유전자손상 신호전달 (DNA damage checkpoint), 암발생, 세포주기, 림프종, 표적 단백질 분해, nanobody Department of Health Sciences and Technology
Department of Clinical Research Design and Evaluation
Hong-Hee Won    Ph.D.
SAIHST Associate Professor
Genomics and Digital Health Laboratory Medical and population genomics, Digital health informatics, Machine learning, Artificial intell... Department of Health Sciences and Technology
Department of Digital health
Jieun Lee    Ph.D.
SAIHST Professor
분자의학유전체학 연구실 Molecular genomics, Primary cilium, Disease modeling & mechanism, Zebrafish Department of Health Sciences and Technology
Department of Digital health
Kyu Hwan Jeong    Ph.D.
SAIHST Assistant professor
Medical Intelligence and DAta Science Department of Medical Device Management and Research
Jong Wook Chang    Ph.D.
SAIHST Professor
Lab of Cell and Gene Therapy Advanced Regenerative Medicine and Advanced Biological Products, Stem cell therapy, Gene therapy,... Department of Health Sciences and Technology
Department of Medical Device Management and Research
Kwangsun Ray Yoo    Ph.D.
SAIHST Assistant professor
The Yoo Lab 계산뇌과학, 인지신경과학, 계산예측모델링, 인간지능과 인공지능, 빅데이터과학, 의료인공지능 Department of Medical Device Management and Research
Department of Digital health
Yoonjung Yoonie Joo    Ph.D.
SAIHST Assistant professor
GENNIE [진이眞理] Lab, Genomics and Neural-Network Intelligence for HealthcarE Genomic-driven Precision Medicine (GDPM), AI/ML approach in healthcare big data, Predictive analy... Department of Digital health
류규하    Ph.D.
SAIHST Professor
Medical device, Biopharmaceuticals, Approval, quality management, Clinical trial, Post-market su... Department of Medical Device Management and Research
Department of Digital health
Photo Name / Research Interests
Kim HanNa  Ph.D.
SAIHST Assistant professor Genetic Epidemiology, Complex trait, Genomics, Genetics, Behavioral Genomics, , Cohort Study, Mic...
Yoon Yeup  Ph.D.
삼성융합의과학원 Professor Companion diagnosis, personalized therapy, antibody discovery & development
Juhee Cho  Ph.D.
SAIHST Professor Clinical research design, cohort studies, altered appearance of cancer patients, quality of life,...
Danbee Kang  Ph.D.
SAIHST Associate professor Clinical epidemiology, psycho-oncology, patient reported outcome
SAIHST Associate Professor Nuclear receptor, Coactivator, Transcriptional regulation, Gene regulation, Estrogen receptor, Br...
SAIHST Associate Professor Posttranscriptional gene regulation, Cancer development, Metastasis, RNA-binding proteins, miRNAs
Yoo Haeyong  Ph.D.
SAIHST Associate Professor 유전자손상 신호전달 (DNA damage checkpoint), 암발생, 세포주기, 림프종, 표적 단백질 분해, nanobody
Hong-Hee Won  Ph.D.
SAIHST Associate Professor Medical and population genomics, Digital health informatics, Machine learning, Artificial intell...
Jieun Lee  Ph.D.
SAIHST Professor Molecular genomics, Primary cilium, Disease modeling & mechanism, Zebrafish
Kyu Hwan Jeong  Ph.D.
SAIHST Assistant professor
Jong Wook Chang  Ph.D.
SAIHST Professor Advanced Regenerative Medicine and Advanced Biological Products, Stem cell therapy, Gene therapy,...
Kwangsun Ray Yoo  Ph.D.
SAIHST Assistant professor 계산뇌과학, 인지신경과학, 계산예측모델링, 인간지능과 인공지능, 빅데이터과학, 의료인공지능
Yoonjung Yoonie Joo  Ph.D.
SAIHST Assistant professor Genomic-driven Precision Medicine (GDPM), AI/ML approach in healthcare big data, Predictive analy...
류규하  Ph.D.
SAIHST Professor Medical device, Biopharmaceuticals, Approval, quality management, Clinical trial, Post-market su...