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우수성과SAIHST 구성원의 언론보도내용 및 수상내역, 각 연구분야의 우수 학술지에 게재된 논문 등 우수한 성과들을 소개합니다.

[김경규 교수/ 우수논문] Chemical Society Reviews .2017 Aug
No 57
작성자 관리자
등록일 2017/09/11



김경규 교수
(SAIHST 융합의과학과)


Impact Factor ('16) = 36.618


Chem Soc Rev. 2017 Aug 22. doi: 10.1039/c7cs00330g. [Epub ahead of print]



Small molecule-induced cellular conversion.

Debojyoti De, Debasish Halder, Injae Shin and Kyeong Kyu Kim




Over the last decade, the development of methods to promote conversion of one type of cell to a specific type of another cell (or change of cell fate) has received great attention in basic biological research and therapeutic applications. A precise, reproducible and safe protocol for inducing this change is a prerequisite for cellular conversion. Although genetic manipulation, which relies on the introduction of specific genes into cells, is a promising approach, the results of initial investigations have highlighted serious safety concerns associated with forced ectopic gene expression with unpredictable side effects. Alternatively, a chemical approach that relies on the use of small molecules to modulate the cell fate has great potential in terms of precise control and clinical safety. In addition, the ease of application, reproducibility and scalability are features that make a small molecule-based approach an extraordinary resource for this purpose. In this review we summarize methods which have been devised to identify small molecules that induce cellular conversion and highlight recent advances made using small molecule modulators to induce changes in the fate of cells.




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