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번호 저자명 논문제목 학술지명 IF 게재일
987 이내응 Bio-Inspired Artificial Fast-Adaptive and Slow-Adaptive Mechanoreceptors With Synapse-Like Functions Advanced Functional Materials 2023-07-02
969 임동희 [IF=14.277] Risk of Dementia in Newly Diagnosed Glaucoma: A Nationwide Cohort Study in Korea Ophthalmology 2023-07-01
960 강단비, 박혜윤 Association Between Regular Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity Initiation Following COPD Diagnosis and Mortality: An Emulated Target Trial Using Nationwide Cohort Data Chest 2023-07-24
956 김현호, 조용범 [IF=10.183] Two antisense RNAs—AFAP1-AS1and MLK7-AS1—promote colorectal cancer progression by sponging miR-149-5p and miR-485-5p Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids 2023-07-14
952 김한나 Association between gut microbiota and anxiety symptoms: A large population-based study examining sex differences J Affect Disord 2023-07-15
Bio-Inspired Artificial Fast-Adaptive and Slow-Adaptive Mechanoreceptors With Synapse-Like Functions

Advanced Functional Materials

게재일 2023-07-02

[IF=14.277] Risk of Dementia in Newly Diagnosed Glaucoma: A Nationwide Cohort Study in Korea


게재일 2023-07-01

강단비, 박혜윤
Association Between Regular Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity Initiation Following COPD Diagnosis and Mortality: An Emulated Target Trial Using Nationwide Cohort Data


게재일 2023-07-24

김현호, 조용범
[IF=10.183] Two antisense RNAs—AFAP1-AS1and MLK7-AS1—promote colorectal cancer progression by sponging miR-149-5p and miR-485-5p

Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids

게재일 2023-07-14

Association between gut microbiota and anxiety symptoms: A large population-based study examining sex differences

J Affect Disord

게재일 2023-07-15